Hon. Justice Richard Buteera Case Backlog Monitoring Committee the Deputy Chief Justice (Chairperson)
Members of the Case Backlog Monitoring Committee led by the Deputy Chief Justice (Chairperson), Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, as well as Heads of High Court Divisions held a retreat on Monday December 6, 2021 to agree on strategies on how to fight backlog.
The Deputy Chief Justice/Chairperson of the Case Backlog Monitoring Committee noted that the Retreat was the first of its kind. Adding that it was an opportunity to discuss case backlog reports, assess progress of case backlog programmes and Case Backlog Strategies.
"We are here to review reports, identify the challenges and agree how best we can surmount them with a view of improving performance of the Judiciary. Our thinking as a Committee is that we can work better if we jointly plan together," he said.
The Retreat was held at the Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort with funding from the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).
The Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, described the retreat as a platform to identify bottlenecks in service delivery and strategies to address the growing case backlog which stood at 58, 122 at the end of November up from about 51,000 at the beginning of the current financial year.
Mr Samson Asiimwe who spoke on behalf of IDLO, said they appreciate the partnership with the Judiciary. He said they are committed to the goal of reduction of case backlog as it is an important part in access to Justice.
The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, described the engagement as a timely exercise. "I find this retreat timely as it helps the High Court prepare for the report that will be presented at the Annual Judges Conference."
He noted that the Resolutions from the meeting would inform the resource allocations to the courts in the coming months.
Key among the resolutions made by the retreat were that each High Court Division should prepare a properly costed case clearance plan with defined time schedules. This shall be integrated into a Judiciary wide case clearance plan for 2022 and the case backlog elimination strategy disseminated.
It was agreed that Divisions would hold regular internal case management meetings, peer reviews, agreeing targets and timely progress reporting at least monthly, clean up and ensure ownership of data on the Court Case Administration System.
The meeting agreed to strengthen coordination in the chain of justice and adopt standards approved under the chain linked initiative.
It was agreed that Judiciary should avail access to dedicated space for case hearing in all the Divisions and support the implementation of a robust ADR framework.
The participants called for the funding and support of the initiative by the Criminal Division to pilot day to day hearing of cases.
They called for the support of the International Crimes Division to deliver on its mandate through extension of financial support and review of the Rules of Procedure to enhance case management.
The others included; Support and roll out innovations such as same day hearing. The impact of interlocutory applications on the disposal of the primary dispute must be appreciated.
The adoption and usage of ICT as a case management tool was emphasized. "ICT equipment and tools must be provided to facilitate Judicial officers to dispose cases and engage stakeholder for example through use of online platforms, opportunities for online hearing of cases, delivery of judgements," the participants resolved.
It was further agreed to develop a tool that will monitor case backlog and performance of judicial officers at all levels. Trainings in leadership and change management and on new rules and processes for both the bench and the bar.
The meeting agreed to hold similar meetings with circuit Judges and magistrates before the Annual Judges Conference as well as develop a strategy for engagement and deployment of court interpreters.
Court of Appeal Justice, Hon. Justice Fredrick Stephen Egonda-Ntende and also Vice Chairperson of the Case Backlog Monitoring Committee, while delivering closing remarks emphasized the need for the Committee to closely work with the Judges insetting targets so that monitoring exercises are informed by these work plans.
He also called for the publication and circulation of the Case Backlog Strategy to all Judicial Officers which will guide their planning.
In the last few months, the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo and members of the Judiciary Top Management have had a number of engagements with IDLO geared at fostering access to justice.
Posted 6th, December 2021